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The 90th U. S. Naval Construction Battalion was born at Camp Peary, Virginia on the twenty-fifth day of July, nineteen hundred forty-three, in the blistering hot sun, as those who were there will well remember. As an indication of what was to come later the sun, in all its glory, was appropriate; for the battalion, on its tour of duty in the Asiatic-Pacific Theatre, has scarcely ever found the smallest amount of shade!
From Peary to lwo Jima and V-J Day our stirring saga runs. The inevitable triumph of Allied arms found us deep within the shattered inner perimeter of the Land of the Setting Sun.
This, The History and Achievements of the 90th United States Naval Construction Battalion, is our LOG.
Publication Date
United States Navy, 90th Construction Battalion, World War 1939-1945, Regimental histories
Military History
Recommended Citation
United States Navy, "90th USN Construction Battalion; its history and accomplishments, 1943-1945" (1946). Regimental Histories. 52.

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