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The 180th Infantry Regiment was organized as the Third Oklahoma Infantry during May, 1918, and was federally recognized as a National Guard unit on September 3, 1918. The unit was redesignated as the 180th Infantry on October 14, 1921.
Units of the regiment were called into state service many times since its organization. In civil disturbances, flood disasters, and other emergencies they performed their ordered duty with credit, thus demonstrating the living reality of part of the regiment's motto, "Ready in Peace or War".
It is interesting to note that the year 1938 found Hitler taking his first toll from the 180th Infantry of the 45th Division. Up to that time the insignia had been an Indian swastika. This close resemblance to the symbol of Nazi Germany constituted a source of embarrassment on several occasions. The Thunderbird was substituted for the swastika.
Publication Date
United States Army, World War 1939-1945, Regimental histories, 180th Infantry Regiment, "Ready in Peace or War", 45th Infantry Division
Military History
Recommended Citation
Salpeter, Norbert; Salter, Carl; and United States Army, "180th Infantry: a regiment of the 45th Infantry Division" (1945). Regimental Histories. 48.

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