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In this book of words and pictures is a compilation of the work, accomplishments, and activities of the Twenty-Sixth United States Naval Construction Battalion (Second Section) which on July 15, 1945, was redesignated Construction Battalion Maintenance Unit Six Hundred Thirty-Five. It is dedicated to each officer and man who gave his' best for the one and only cause, and each can be justly proud of the part he played.
The Staff wishes to extend its appreciation to each and every member of this Battalion who helped in procuring and compiling the necessary information, for without your moral support. interest. and actual aid this book would have been impossible. We sincerely hope that in years to come you will refer to this book often in remembrance of the part you and your comrades played in the achievement of the final victory.
Publication Date
Seabees, United States Navy, World War 1939-1945, Construction Battalion Maintenance Unit no. 635
Military History
Recommended Citation
Hewlett, Ralph G.; Myers, W. A.; and United States Navy, "Seabees: CBMU 635" (1946). Regimental Histories. 42.

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