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''Combat History, The Super Sixth" is a compilation of data from many sources, but by far the greater part of the material was obtained from after-action reports prepared by the G-3 Section, 6th Armored Division, under the direction of Major Clyde J. Burk, Assistant G-3, with Lts. Hunter Haines, Chester Kneller, Bernard Yaeger, and Paul Cundiff assisting, and appears here under Section II with slight variations.
Credit is given to Lt. Col. Ernest W. Mitchell Jr., G-2 of the 6th Armored Division, for his preparation of the material used as a base for Section I, the story of the 6th Armored Division, which gives the overall picture of the Division's role in combat operations in Europe, and for his permission to use same.
The charts and other data presented in another section of this book were chosen from material compiled by the Office of the Chief of Staff under the direction of Captan Cyrus R. Shockey, Aide-de-Camp, and art work was done, for the most part, by Sgt. Frank X. Scalise, G-2 Section. Photographs were made by official U.S. Army Signal Corps photographers and the Publisher.
To the above named individuals, and also to the staff of the Division I & E Section and Public Relations Office, the Publisher wishes to express his appreciation for the use of the material and for the cooperation which made the compilation of this history possible.
Although this book is not an official publication, much of the material contained herein was taken from official records, and the remainder has been carefullv checked to avoid any misrepresentation of facts or figures.
It is regrettable that this type of history does not provide for the mention of the many gallant individual achievements which so characterized the men of the 6th Armored Division, whose "esprit de Corps" was second to none in the U. S. Army. However, the reader may well see reflected in this impersonal record the loyalty, devotion, and sacrifices that made this smooth functioning, fighting team such an important member of the Armies on the Western Front, and enabled it to finish all of its missions with the satisfactory label -- "Success"-- inscribed thereon.
William E. Rutledge, Jr. PUBLISHER
Publication Date
World War 1939-1945, regimental histories, 6th Armored Division
Military History
Recommended Citation
United States Army, "Combat history of the 6th Armored Division" (1946). Regimental Histories. 41.

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