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This is the story of the 16th Major Port: its birth and growing pains and the accomplishment of its mission. It has been impossible in the relatively narrow compass of a short history to give full credit to the Navy, to Army Engineers, to the Coast Guard, to British Minesweepers and to others who took part in the gigantic task at Le Havre, but this is by no means meant to detract from the credit due these organizations. The story of the 16th Port is part of the story of the Army Transportation Corps. It is the story of how in the face of overwhelming obstacles, men worked hard together that the combat troops might be fed, that reinforcements might move forward quickly and efficiently, that the multifarious items of supply might flow smoothly to the front, that the guns might fire .
"Written by Cpl. Alex Bower, illustrated by Si Mezerow ... and edited by Lt. E.N. Brandt."
Publication Date
Brandt, Ellis N United States Army 16th Port
Military History
Recommended Citation
Bower, Alex, "Supply Front the 16th Port Story" (1946). Regimental Histories. 3.

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