In these pages will be found the story of our own 533d in the greatest of all the wars of the world. It is a story of toil and hardship and danger mixed with happy interludes and comradeships made the dearer thereby, a story of great deeds in the face of great obstacles, of reverses and disappointments but of pride and glory in the end.
This book is not written to impress others with our deeds. In the many commendations of high commanders is found the testimony to our success in an unusual and most important role in many landings on enemy-held shores. In our own minds and hearts are the priceless memories of our great adventure and the pride that comes from the knowledge of a job well done. May these pages help to keep them fresh through the years to come.
W.S. Moore, Colonel, Corps of Engineers
Publication Date
United States Navy, World War 1939-1945, Regimental Histories, 533rd Engineer Boat and Shore Regiment, 1461st Engineer Maintenance Company
Military History
Recommended Citation
Amory, Robert Jr., "Surf and sand, the saga of the 533d Engineer Boat and Shore Regiment and 1461st Engineer Maintenance Company, 1942-1945" (1947). Regimental Histories. 196.

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Editor's Note:
"This book has been written and edited by and for men of the 533d Engineers. Its publication was paid for entirely by voluntary individual subscriptions. Its paramount purpose is to provide a memoir for each soldier so that he can readily and accurately and, it is hoped, proudly refresh his recollection of his days with the amphibs. In addition, its editors have borne in mind that the Engineer Boat and Shore Regiment was undreamt of months after we were at war. As a new Army entity with a unique and varied mission, it deserves a history of its own. This book endeavors, therefore, to give a balanced account of one regiment's work and contribution to the campaigns in the Southwest Pacific so that those who had little or no contact with this or similar organizations may learn what they were and what they accomplished.
First drafts of all chapters were written by men who were present during the events related and who held sufficiently important roles so that they were aware of the factors controlling decisions and actions. Their personal recollections have been carefully checked to accord with diaries and official contemporary documents or reports written while events were fresh in mind. For historical facts beyond their first hand knowledge the editors have relied principally on the Office of Naval Intelligence Weekly Bulletin. Documentation by footnotes or voluminous appendices seemed inappropriate considering the book's main purpose. Any reader wishing to obtain authority for, or further information as to any statement is invited to communicate with the editors."
Colonel Robert Amory, Jr. and Captain Reuben M. Waterman
Contributors are acknowledged on page 407.