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From the opening pages:
"The Home Station News Bulletin is the brain child of Captain Donald P. Sherman, who has had service in the seventy-first infantry since December 22, 1911, who served through the first World War with the 54th Pioneer Infantry with service in the Meuse Argonne and the army of occupation and who, remained at his position as Superintendent of the Armory at Thirty-Third Street and Park Avenue during World War II.
The bulletin was conceived and carried on as a medium for keeping in touch with all the members of the seventy-first who were scattered throughout the entire world. It's first edition appeared in November 1942, and consisted of a three page mimeographed news sheet sent to seventy-five known addresses. It continued to be published in mimeographed form for the first year and then graduated to a photo offset job. This was made possible through the offer of Mr. Silverman of the Progressive Photo Offset Company to publish it at cost. Mr. Silverman continued to publish the bulletin at cost up to the final copy and including this souvenir edition. Our hats off to Mr. Silverman for a grand job."
Donald P. Sherman
Publication Date
D.P. Sherman
New York
United States Army, 71st Infantry, Regimental histories, World War 1939-1945
Military History
Recommended Citation
United States Army, "Seventy-First Home station news bulletin: Souvenir Edition" (1946). Regimental Histories. 190.

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