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Members of the Three Forty-First: Joining with you in the pleasure and satisfaction of looking over the record of the 341st Engineer Regiment. I feel anew that warmth of joy and pride which came over me every time I visited your jobs. It made no difference whether the dust was at Briquebec or Coutances, the mud at Roanne Coo or Ettelbruck, the snow at Bastogne or St. Vith, or you were getting in the steel at Koblenz or at Bamberg, you were there and I saw you, day and night, overcoming impossible difficulties.
You built 110 bridges, more than two miles of them, and the 341st target painted on them was a symbol of a job done well and in time. The Armies depended on you to do more than your part, and they knew that you would not, and did not, fail them.
Our losses were few, and that also is a credit to the superb leadership of the officers and non-commissioned officers, and to the perfect teamwork of every part of the organization. Let us join as we have joined before in thanks to Almighty God for His care and for His continued guidance.
Sincerely yours,
Colonel Edward H. Coe
Publication Date
United States Army, World War 1939-1945, Regimental histories, 341st Engineer Regiment
Military History
Recommended Citation
United States Army, "The history of the 341st Engineer Regiment, July 29, 1943-March 22, 1946" (1946). Regimental Histories. 188.

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Contains roster and home address of enlisted men and officers