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Excerpt from the introductory "Why the Red Cross Serves the Armed Forces":
During the past 10 years, the Red Cross has expended well over half a billion dollars in service to the armed forces and to veterans -- dollars that were voluntarily contributed for that purpose by the people of this country. But even more significant are the millions of hours of volunteer effort that have likewise been freely contributed to that service through the Red Cross -- hours that, if paid for at going wage rates, would have multiplied Red Cross expenditures many fold. This volunteer service, symbolic of all that is warm and human and neighborly in American life, is the truest measure of what the Red Cross stands for in its relations with the military establishment.
The American Red Cross continues to exist and to carry on its service to the armed forces of this country because there is a vital job to be done and because the American people have accepted the Red Cross as their medium of action in this department. of community responsibility. There can be no doubt that, if the Red Cross did not already exist, the people of this country would see to it that a similar organization, of equal extent and capacity, was promptly established.
Publication Date
World War 1939-1945, American Red Cross
Military History | Social History
Recommended Citation
American National Red Cross, "Serving our armed forces, a primary Red Cross responsibility" (1950). Regimental Histories. 171.

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