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This booklet will confine itself to describing the work done by those American Red Cross men and women who are giving direct, personal services to the members of the armed forces on the military front or to their families on the home front. To isolate this cross section of Red Cross activity from the body of all Red Cross war work is to sacrifice the complete story of the Red Cross war jobs for the Army and Navy. That is a story of many themes -- to name only a few: jobs as essential as collecting blood for plasma; or supplying surgical dressings, comfort articles, garments for the hospitalized; or recruiting nurses; or training nurse's aides.
Nevertheless, the American families of some 11,300,000 servicemen want to know the answers to particular, personal questions: What is the American Red Cross doing for the serviceman himself? What are its representatives doing for him when he is homesick and worried, bored, restless, sick or wounded? What are they doing for him in the field, the leave area, the hospital? What are they doing when he returns home, discharged, and has problems resulting from his service? The trained men and women who are, we are told, "at his side" -- who are they, what facilities do they have to work with, and exactly how do they work? Finally, how do the Red Cross chapters here at home help him and his family?
This booklet tries to answer these questions for the millions of deeply interested families and neighbors of men and women in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. In so doing it must stick closely to them and to those personal Red Cross services which are theirs wherever they go, whatever their jobs.
Publication Date
World War 1939-1945, American Red Cross
Military History | Social History
Recommended Citation
American National Red Cross, "The American Red Cross with the armed forces" (1945). Regimental Histories. 169.

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