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From the Prologue
The Minnie is truly a veteran. Only a very few other fighting ships in Uncle Sam's Navy have more battle stars than the Minneapolis. During one twenty-month cruise in the Pacific she covered a distance equivalent to nearly seven times around the world. She was in port only eight days during this period which netted each crewman 48 hours of leave. The Minneapolis has served with the Third, Fifth and Seventh Fleets and in all types of operations. Many times the crew could not help but believe that the old ship was classed as expendable, as whenever there was a job to do, the Minnie seemed to be assigned to help do it. Censorship kept her name out of the hometown papers because she was always in action. It has been said the ships that get the publicity are the ones that get sunk, but the Nips couldn't sink the Minnie although they tried time after time.
Publication Date
United States Navy, World War 1939-1945, Regimental Histories, U.S.S. Minneapolis (CA-36)
Military History
Recommended Citation
Bruvold, Harold Perry and Luey, Allan Thomas, "The Minnie, or, The war cruise of the U.S.S. Minneapolis" (1946). Regimental Histories. 140.

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