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It is with pride and emotion that I indorse this story of the Transportation Corps in the European Theater of Operations. This story is your story: it is the story of your aching muscles, long and arduous hours of unsung labor, and your devotion to duty. It is the story of the unsung stevedore working in the holds and on the quay sides. It is the story of the weary truck driver with his load of precious cargo moving to the front along strange roads with lights blacked out. It is the story of the duck driver, ferrying vital supplies amid mine-infested waters.
It is the story of train and engine crews moving over unknown paths to strange destinations with that same spirit of American railroad man has shown for generations. It is the story of the weary but alert dispatcher, humble section hand, switchman, and dispatch rider, each doing a vital part.
It is the story of the back shop, round house and harbor craft crews; grimy, faithful, essential. It is the story of the tug boat crews in strange and dangerous waters, and the story of the RTO at outlying dumps, control points, and stations. It is the story of men and women working long and arduous hours at desks throughout the Theater. In short, it is your story; it is a tribute to you, and you may well take pride in it.
Major General, U.S. Army Frank S. Ross
Publication Date
United States Army, World War 1939-1945, Regimental histories, Transportation Corps
Military History
Recommended Citation
Stars and Stripes, "Destination -- Berlin! "The Transportation Corps will furnish the necessary transportation!"" (1944). Regimental Histories. 138.

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"The second of a series of G.I. stories of the ground, air and service forces in the European Theater of Operations ... issued by the Stars and stripes."