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The idea for a 40th Group Photograph Album was born several months before the end of the war, but the actual execution of the book had to await the termination of hostilities. Consequently you will find that certain events or activities may not be represented here, either because no photographs were taken at the time or because the photographs that were taken were not available to the editor when the book was finally put together.
You will notice that we have tried to emphasize representative activities and scenes rather than individuals. Obviously it was impossible to include a picture of every man in the 40th Group. Therefore practically all formal group pictures have been left out. The few that are included were chosen for reasons other than that they portray certain individuals. This also applied to different photographs in which the same persons appear more than once.
The editor would like to express at this time his appreciation to the members of the 11th Photographic Laboratory, for they are responsible for practically every photograph in the album. Appreciation also is extended to Forrest C. Wood, former Historian of the 40th Group, who has aided invaluably the efforts of the editor in the preparation of the written portions of the album.
Lawrence B. Eustis, Captain, Air Corps, Group Photographic Officer
Publication Date
United States Air Force, World War 1939-1945, Regimental histories, 40th Bombardment Group
Military History
Recommended Citation
United States Army Air Forces, "40th Bombardment Group: a pictorial record of events, places, and people in India, China and Tinian from April 1944 through October 1945. Included are a few aerial views of Nippon, Singapore, Formosa and other exotic, far-off places" (1945). Regimental Histories. 127.

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