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Reminiscent of another era ... this book will mellow with the years -- and serve as a reminder of the days of our youth. It will enable us to turn back the pages that the years have tended to shroud in darkness and forgetfulnes, reviving dormant memories and clearing the haze from images and situations long since recorded and now stored away.
It has often been said that "time changes everything." Disagreeable details, fatiguing marches, and the "G.I." way of doing things will become vague and distorted in our mind's eye, and thence emerge in our fancy as being the good old days."
Our rehabilitation, necessitated by the war. has torn down barriers which formerly restricted our vision and understanding and has given our outlook a broader scope. This conflict accelerated the tempo of our lives and will influence the channel our careers shall follow when the war is over.
The staff. therefore, feels that the occasion warrants the publication of this book. We hope that we have successfully mirrored the aims and activities of the 507th Parachute Infantry. To the men of the regiment. good luck and -- Godspeed.
Publication Date
United States Army, World War 1939-1945, Parachute troops, Regimental histories, 507th Infantry Division
Military History
Recommended Citation
United States Army, "507th Parachute Infantry" (1943). Regimental Histories. 125.

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