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Like all other commands, the IX Air Force Service Command is made up of people -- people whose jobs began long before the invasion, endured right up to H-hour and beyond. There were glider pilots, engineers, clerks, mechanics, cooks, doctors, truck drivers; in fact, every conceivable job necessary for victory was filled by an expert who was willing to subordinate everything to the goal ahead. Take the transport pilots, for instance. Red-eyed, flying seemingly endless hours, they operated on a two-way schedule that carried everything from gasoline and guns and bombs to blood plasma and sulfa drugs into Normandy, then carried wounded men back to England on knock-down cots which made ambulances of the Douglas Skytrains. And they did this on schedules which sent ten planes across the Channel every hour.
The achievements of the IX Air Force Service Command are many and varied-it is virtually impossible to enumerate all of them. Perhaps it would be better simply to say that it is the "good right arm" of the Ninth Air Force. And when "service" is wanted by the Ninth, it is the Service Command which provides it as quickly as possible.
Publication Date
United States Air Force, World War 1939-1945, Regimental histories, 9th Air Force Service Command
Military History
Recommended Citation
Lasch, Margretta C.; Heins, Eleanor M.; and United States Army Air Forces, "Ninth air force service command" (1945). Regimental Histories. 115.

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