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"This book is a record of the part the 446th Bombardment Group played in World War II -- it is a record of the period that witnessed the growth of the Group from a handful of men who left Tucson, Arizona in April 1943, to the force of over three thousand men who helped end the war in Europe on May 8, 1945. During that time we trained for and participated in the softening up and final smashing of Hitler's Fortress Europe.We saw our Group reach the greatest heights in bombing accuracy, morale and air and ground efficiency -- the things necessary in winning the war.
The pictures and story show the conditions under which the ground and air echelons lived, worked and died. We watched a number of crews fly their missions, complete their tours and return to the states-- some, not so fortunate, are buried in foreign soil. They flew and fought hoping that their efforts would shorten the war, save lives and aid their country's cause.
The men on the ground -- the men behind the planes -- also showed great resourcefulness, loyalty and devotion to duty. For every plane our Group put in the sky over Europe there were the cooks, clerks, photographers and a score of others on the ground working to put it there. These men did not receive any of the honor or glory, but the work they did was essential for the success of the Group.
As a member of the 446th from the time of its organization until it was deactivated in Sioux Falls, it is my desire to say that the cooperation and devotion of these men to their tasks was exemplary. My association with the men of my command will always remain an unforgettable highlight in my life.
This photographic log of the Group is a book to be treasured always. As we look through it in the years ahead it will help revive memories of our eventful days at Denver, the journey overseas, the first mission to Berlin, D-Day, V-E Day and a host of other memorable events that played so vital a part in our lives."
William A. Schmidt, Lt. Col. A.C., Commanding Officer
Publication Date
United States Air Force, World War 1939-1945, Regimental histories, 446th Bomb Group, 704th Bombardment Squadron, 705th Bombardment Squadron, 706th Bombardment Squadron, 707th Bombardment Squadron
Military History
Recommended Citation
Castens, Edward H., "The story of the 446th Bomb Group" (1946). Regimental Histories. 110.

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