Bangor Images

Subject Date
circa 1885
After logs were cut and floated down the Penobscot, they were drawn up short by the boom streched across the river. Here, the logs were identified by the hallmarks cut into them at lumber camps, and separated by owners. In this picture, the ebbing tide has tumbled logs against each other along the bank. The pylons of the boom can be seen in the background in the middle of the river; a chain reached between them to halt the logs.
Note: This image was scanned by a student at William S. Cohen School.
stereographs, log jams, Penobscot River, logging, Penobscot Boom, lumbering, log driving, photography
Bangor (Me.), Penobscot County (Me.)
stereo photograph, stereograph
8.7 x 17.5 cm
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stereographs, log jams, Penobscot River, logging, Penobscot Boom, lumbering, log driving, photography
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Collection Name
Vickery Stereograph Collection