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Coeval with the existence of Bangor as a City in 1834, or about that time, the prevailing sentiment of its citizens strongly favored the selection of new cemetery grounds for the burial of its dead. This sentiment having been successful in the establishment of Mt. Hope Cemetery as the result, many thousands of its citizens have since found there a resting place for their bodies, including the largest portion of those then alive, besides thousands of others since born or otherwise become inhabitants of the city. The history of the Cemetery has thus become one of great interest to the people generally, and the duty would seem to be imposed upon some one to see that the work of compiling such history should be performed, not only for the present inhabitants, but for those who may succeed the present during the long ages of the future.
The undersigned having been one of the very few, now alive, who were present at the dedication of the Cemetery, and for a half century since having been continuously entrusted, as Treasurer, with the collection and disbursement of its funds, and having had a prominent part to perform in the purchase of its premises and in the sale and conveyances of its very numerous lots, which have, during all such half century, been disposed of to citizens and others, the work thus alluded to would seem to be very appropriately chargeable to him. Freely accepting the call, he respectfully submits the following report.
Albert W. Paine
Publication Date
O.F. Knowles & Company, Printers
Bangor, Maine
Mt. Hope Cemetery, Bangor Maine
Recommended Citation
Paine, Albert W., "History of Mt. Hope Cemetery, Bangor, Maine" (1907). Books and Publications. 97.

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