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To: His Excellency, Governor Frederick G. Payne and Members of the 95th Maine ,State Legislature
Pursuant to the provisions of the 1949 Legislative Act creating the Liquor Research Commission, this report has been prepared for your guidance in determining the need for and feasibility of State action to deal with unwelcome conditions arising from the sale and use of alcoholic beverages in Maine.
As fully as its limited resources would permit, your commission has delved into the situation with particular attention to the compulsive drinkers in our population who are often listed simply as "alcoholics." Our survey has been as impartial as possible, in a deliberate effort to avoid being stigmatized as "Starry-eyed Do-gooders" by the intemperate, or as "Secret Encouragers of Tippling" by teetotallers. Indeed, the question can be approached in no other way. The nation has seen the dismal failure of attempting to promote temperance by legislative enactment; it has also seen prohibition succeeded by a rising trend in drinking, especially among women and young people, that holds an alarming portent for the future.
Publication Date
Maine Liquor Research Commission
Auburn, Maine
Maine Legislature, Maine Liquor Research Commission, alcohol, alcoholism
Recommended Citation
Maine Liquor Research Commission, "Report of the Liquor Research Commission to the 95th Maine State Legislature" (1951). Books and Publications. 95.

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Commission members: Chairman George B. Ober (Auburn), William T. Maybury (Dexter), Dr. Francis H. Sleeper (Augusta), Rev. Ellis J. Holt (Auburn), Miss Lucia M. Cormier (Rumford), Mrs. Agnes F. Gibbs (Portland), C. Freeman Olsen (Bangor). Judge Edward G. Baird (Belfast), Counsel.