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This subject of City Planning, which we come hither to discuss in some of its varied aspects, is no recent development. There is hardly one of its principal phases that has not been represented as a practical art ever since cities themselves began to be; and as a science, as a subject for theoretical discussion, it is probably but little less ancient. Yet such a conference as this is a new sort of thing, and there is something new about the subject today to account for such a conference. This new thing is a growing appreciation -of the close and vitally important interrelations between these varied lines of activity; of the profound influence which activities carried on in one part of the field and with a view to one set of purposes may have upon the conditions in another part of the field.
Publication Date
American Civic Association
Washington DC
2nd National Conference on City Planning, Rochester, New York, American Planning and Civic Association, Department of City Making
American Art and Architecture
Recommended Citation
Olmstead, Fredrick Law, "City planning: an introductory address delivered by Fredrick Law Olmsted at the second National conference on city planning and congestion of population, at Rochester, New York, May 2, 1910. Department of City Making, Fredrick L. Ford, chairman, Hartford, Conn" (1910). Books and Publications. 7.

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American Civic Association. Department of City Making, series II, no. 4, June 1910