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Opening Paragraphs of Chapter 1, Down Brakes:
A long sharp whistle, another, apparently in reply, a sudden application of the brakes to their utmost limit, the shuddering of the cars as the moveless wheels ground along the resisting rail, a crash, a terrific shock, a crushing in of the front of the car, flying fragments of doors, windows and broken glass, the sickening lurch as the car swung diagonally across the track and settled down still right side up.
Then arose a Babylon of cries, screams of women, shrieks of children, and loud shouts of men as they struggled to extricate themselves from the confused mass of humanity heaped and pent in the car.
Publication Date
The Ball Publishing Company
Maine Literature
Literature in English, North America
Recommended Citation
Kimball, George Selwyn, "The Lackawannas at Moosehead, or, The young leather stockings" (1907). Books and Publications. 66.

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Illustrated by William Henry Dethlef Koerner.