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WHEREAS: During the past several months, there has existed in the coal mining districts of our State, a condition of insurrection against the lawful authority of our State Government, wherein several thousand misguided, and largely unnaturalized men, speaking more than twenty different languages, unacquainted with the true principles of constitutional government, consisting in part of veteran soldiers of the recent foreign wars, armed with high-power rifles; incited, led-on and financially sustained by agitators and professional trouble makers, mostly nonresidents of our State, possessing no property or other interests in our Commonwealth; have bid opendefiance to authority of our State, murdered many men and created a reign of terror in the said mining districts and have destroyed hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of property.
Publication Date
Denver (?)
Colorado, Mining, Insurrection, National Guard of Colorado, John Chase
Recommended Citation
Scottish Rite (Masonic order), "Resolutions adopted by the Ancient and accepted Scottish Rite of freemasonry at Denver, Colorado, Monday, May 18th, 1914" (1914). Books and Publications. 58.

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Full title: Resolutions adopted by the Ancient and accepted Scottish Rite of freemasonry at Denver, Colorado, Monday, May 18th, 1914 : [relative to the disturbances in the coal mining districts of the state].