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For over half a century the State of Maine has drawn the attention of the world because of its prohibitory law. Both advocates and opponents of license, local option, prohibition and every phase of the temperance question cease not to write and lecture about the " situation in Maine." One would suppose from the volume of public address and printed page on both sides of the question that has appealed to the patient public, that, at least, those who are interested, would by this date have understood the "prohibition situation in Maine." Yet, how could they, when from one source it is proclaimed that liquor is as easily obtained in Bangor as in Boston, from another it is as loudly announced that Maine is absolutely dry?
There is no man better qualified to present the real facts than the writer of this volume. In observation and experience, in business and politics, in consecration to a cause and participation in local and State contests, and in personal knowledge of the manipulations of wily politicians, he is conceded to be, by those who know him, an authority on this political prohibition puzzle that has baffled so many. He is capable of drawing a true picture of the facts and presenting the real political situation.
Publication Date
Franklin Printing Co.
Portland, Maine
Prohibition, Maine, Fiction
English Language and Literature
Recommended Citation
Perrigo, James, "The sheriff: a modern Maine story in which pride and politics, romance and rum are curiously intermingled" (1911). Books and Publications. 27.

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