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On July 20, 1963, nature will present her most startling phenomenon, a total eclipse of the sun, which will not be seen again in New England in this century. For us at the University of Maine in Orono, partial phase will begin at 4: 38 p.m. EDT, when a slim notch will be seen in the western edge of the sun, cut out by the black figure of the moon which will be passing in front of the sun from west to east. For the next hour the moon will steadily encroach upon the sun until just a thin crescent remains in sight.
Publication Date
Maine Department of Economic Development
Augusta, Maine
University of Maine, Maine Department of Economic Development, solar eclipse, 1963
Recommended Citation
Maine Department of Economic Development, "Total eclipse of the sun: Saturday July 20, 1963, 5:41 to 5:45 P.M. EDT" (1963). Books and Publications. 229.

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