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Pamphlet functions primarily as a schedule for the Bangor Railway and Electric Company, providing locations and times for arrivals and departures. Included as well are schedules for Maine Central Railroad, Bangor and Aroostook Railroad, and the Eastern Steamship Company, advertisements for Bangor businesses, locations of doctors' offices, churches, civic organizations, schools, and more in Bangor, and much more.
A particularly telling advertisement is this one, for Bangor Railway and Electric Company: "If your office, store or house is not wired you probably found some objection to electricity the last time you looked into the question. Possibly the cost of wiring deterred you, or you thought the monthly bills might be more than you could afford. Electric lighting has recently made great advances, and, if you are not using it, you ought to investigate now. The Tungsten Lamp removes the objections of the most exacting. It gives nearly three times as much light as former (carbon) incandescent lamps for the same current and the quality of the light is greatly superior. Do not put off a matter of so much importance. Have your house wired this month. We will be glad to give you particulars."
Publication Date
Bangor Railway and Electric Company
Bangor, Maine
Bangor Maine, early 20th century history, Bangor Maine businesses, Bangor Railway and Electric Company, Bangor Maine train schedules
Recommended Citation
Bangor Railway and Electric Company, "Pocket Guide for Bangor: December 15, 1909" (1909). Books and Publications. 224.

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