The annals of Bangor begin with the visit of Samuel de Champlain, who gave Mt. Desert Island its name and who founded the City of Quebec. Intrigued by the reports of a fabulous city, Norumbega, Champlain ascended the Penobscot in 1604 to find only an important Indian rendezvous and camping place where the Kenduskeag and Penobscot Rivers merge. In the story of his voyage he mentions "the falls," the location of Bangor's water supply, long famous as the Bangor Salmon Pool. Before founding the Mission of St. Sauveur on Mt. Desert Island, the Jesuit Fathers considered establishing themselves here because of the importance of this location among the Indians.
History gives the distinction of Bangor's first settler to Jacob Buswell who, in 1769, built a log hut near the present site of St. John's Catholic Church on York Street. Among the French and Indians, Bangor was known variously as Kadesquit, Conduskeag and, later, Kenduskeag. In 1776 there were some 75 persons, adults and children, resident in Kenduskeag Plantation, the settlement being in the neighborhood of Penjejawock stream, near Mount Hope Cemetery. Following the close of the Revolutionary War, more settlers arrived and with them was the first pastor, Reverend Seth Noble, a native of Westfield, Mass.
Pastor Noble was delegated to appear before the General Court of Massachusetts, of which Maine was then a part, to petition for the incorporation of the growing frontier town under the name of "Sunbury." On the long journey to Boston, the clergyman solaced himself by singing his favorite hymn, "Bangor," and, when the petition to the Court was made, he asked that the new town be designated "Bangor" instead of "Sunbury." The incorporation was allowed on February 25, 1791.
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Bangor Chamber of Commerce
Bangor, Maine
Bangor Maine, history of Bangor Maine, historic photographs of Bangor, Bangor photographs 19th century, Bangor photographs 20th century, Bangor Maine tourism, Bangor Maine Chamber of Commerce
Recommended Citation
Bangor Chamber of Commerce, "Bangor: The Center of Maine (Three 1940s Promotional Pamphlets)" (1947). Books and Publications. 220.

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These pamphlets are from 1941, 1943, and 1947.