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To the Citizens of Bangor:
It is our privilege to .present herewith the revised Comprehensive Plan for the City of Bangor. In view of the significant economic, social, and physical change expected to occur in Bangor and the surrounding urban area during the next twenty-year period, we regard a sound long-range plan for guiding urban improvement, growth, and development as essential to our community well·being. Therefore, we emphasize the importance of general recognition and official sanction of the goals and objectives set forth herein.
Although the Comprehensive Plan cannot be all things to all people, due weight and consideration has been given to all factors which might affect the economic, social, and Physical development of our community so that the ultimate plan would be as broad, inclusive, and realistic as possible in serving the interests, needs and desires of all of the people of Bangor. Only the key planning elements are presented in this report; further detail on any phase of the plan is available at the office of the Bangor Planning Department.
Publication Date
Bangor, Maine Planning Board
Bangor, Maine
Bangor Maine, urban renewal, city planning, Bangor Maine photographs, Bangor Maine 1960s
Recommended Citation
Bangor, Maine Planning Board, "Bangor, Maine: Comprehensive Plan Summary 1969" (1969). Books and Publications. 214.

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