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It is the editor's fondest hope, through the presentation of this book, that there may be brought a new point of view upon the cherished memories of the past, and in this broadened perspective find a new inspiration to greater things for Bangor in the future. Not to the great men nor even the students of local history, are these fragments offered; but to those thousands of people here who know their names, but whose angle of vision has been obstructed or even deflected so that they missed the struggle, the hardships, the forebearance, the heroism and the undaunted fortitude of the past that presents to them opportunities for a new and finer vision.
Publication Date
H.V. Knox
Bangor, Maine
Bangor Maine, history, photographs, Bangor Maine businesses, Bangor Maine historic advertisements, 56th Pioneer Infantry, Bangor Chamber of Commerce, Bangor and Aroostoook Railroad, James W. Williams Post No.12, World War I
Recommended Citation
Knox, Hugh V., "Comrades of All Wars: Bangor --- It's People and History. Memorial Book, Norman N. Dow Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars" (1936). Books and Publications. 192.

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Among many of the great sections of this pamphet is a listing of casualties of the First and Second Maine Heavy Artillery of the Civil War.