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The Consolidated Hampden Silver Mining Company is composed of two corporations organized under the general laws of Maine: The Dunton Silver Mining Company of Hampden, Maine, and the Hampden Silver Mining Company; whose property and capital stock were united under one management by a special act of the Legislature of Maine, approved February 13th, 1880.
Pamphlet contains: 1) Geological Report upon the Dunton Mining Property by W.F. Stewart, Geologist and Mineralogist, Bangor, Maine, November 25th, 1879; 2) W.F. Stewart's letter from March 27th, 1880, to the President and Directors of the Consolidated Hampden Silver Mining Company; 3) The State of Maine's act, which was approved February 13, 1880, to consodiated the Hampden Silver Mining Company and the Dunton Silver Mining Company; and 4) The by-laws of the Consolidated Hampden Silver Mining Company
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Consolidated Hampden Silver Mining Company
Bangor, Maine
Consolidated Hampden Silver Mining Company, Dutton Silver Mining Company, silver mining, Hampden Maine
Recommended Citation
Consolidated Hampden Silver Mining Company, "The Consolidated Hampden Silver Mining Company" (1880). Books and Publications. 189.

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