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The 91st Legislature, by enacting this Law, recognized the urgent desirability of an orderly transition from the economy of war to the economy of peace. This war, to a degree unrecorded in our history, has produced an economic upheaval that by its very magnitude will challenge the ablest leadership of Labor, Management and Government in their coordinated effort to accomplish an orderly return to an economy geared to our peacetime needs.
This complex problem that must be faced offers to the State a challenge to assume an aggressive leadership po ition in Postwar Planning that will effectually aid the economic reestablishment of the men and women of Maine who are in wartime service on world wide battlefields and in the war plants of this and other states. Such transition, if it is to be successfully completed, must be supported by carefully designed plans, prepared well in advance of the need.
The Maine Development Commission, following the enactment of "An Act to Provide for Post War Planning", proceeded with the preparation of the plans and data submitted herein.
Publication Date
State of Maine, Maine Development Commission
Augusta, Maine
post-war economics, post World War II, State of Maine
Recommended Citation
Maine Development Commission, "Postwar Planning for the State of Maine by the Maine Development Commission, as compiled November 1, 1944" (1944). Books and Publications. 170.

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