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As the annual report of the Temporary Home for Women and Children is again due, we realize that this year completes its first decade. It is with grateful hearts that its managers acknowledge the success that attends the work. Though little discouragements may have come, still the progress has been steady, and through the shadows we have seen the sunshine, and with faith in the Divine leader have looked cheerfully forward and upward.
Those who visit the Home cannot but realize to some extent the untiring care which is necessary to attend properly to all the bodily wants of its many inmates, as well as to give wise and tender counsel to those young women, whose sad history brings them within its walls.
Publication Date
William M. Marks, Printer
Portland, Maine
Temporary Home for Women and Children of Maine, Portland, Maine
Recommended Citation
Temporary Home for Women and Children, "10th Annual Report of the Temporary Home for Women and Children" (1892). Books and Publications. 13.

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