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The steady and growing demand for exact specifications and pictures of book automobiles from city and county librarians who are considering this method of book service and who wish to profit by the experience of others, has led to this first effort to compile information on the subject and to present it in convenient form. The information given here is suggestive rather than conclusive. Some of the outstanding examples of several types of book automobiles are presented for those who are planning a book carrier. Special features are pointed out which appear to have merit. Fuller information may often be had from the library that owns the car. Since the selection of the type, size and equipment of a book automobile must be made to suit climate, topography and road conditions of the locality in which it will be used, as well as the purpose, financial status and the personnel of the library, no recommendations except general ones are offered. Desirable characteristics can be chosen from the various cars and satisfactory combinations worked out.
Publication Date
American Library Association
American Library Association, book automobile, bookmobile
Recommended Citation
American Library Association, "Book Automobiles" (1937). Books and Publications. 122.

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Prepared by the ALA County and Regional Libraries Section and the Book Automobile Committee.
Contributors: Fanny T. Taber, Greenville Public Liprary, Greenville, South Carolina ; Mrs. Mary Oliphant Besore, Mercer County Library, Trenton, New Jersey ; Ida M. Day, Traveling Libraries Commission, State Library, Topeka, Kansas ; Mrs. Loleta Dawson Fyan, Wayne County Library, Detroit, Michigan ; Muriel S. Marchant, County Extension Department, Public Library, Racine, Wisconsin ; Christine Sanders, Free Public Library, St. Albans, Vermont ; Callie Wieder, Public Library, Waterloo, Iowa