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Same paragraph:
The small beginnings of great things are always impressive; who does not feel the charm of the spring, or stream, or lake -- in the woods up among the mountains -- which form the sources of the river, upon whose banks is one's birthplace and home, and which bears upon its broad current the commerce of a city, as the river flows majestically to the sea? Is it not with something of the same fascination that we think tonight, of that memorable day in the annal of Bangor, when four men, whose names we gratefully recall, gathered with Harvey Loomis, then a young man of 25, to form a Church of Christ in this community? And it must have been with some sense of the importance of the occasion that this little church of four members was organized, and Mr. Loomis was ordained and installed as its first minister.
Publication Date
Bangor, Maine
First Congregational Church of Bangor
Recommended Citation
Cutler, Charles Herrick, "Harvey Loomis: a Historical Discourse" (1905). Books and Publications. 118.

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