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The proposal of The Appalachian Trail was originally advanced in 1921 by Benton MacKaye of Shirley, Massachusetts. Forester, philosopher and dreamer, MacKaye, from his wanderings in the New England forests, had conceived the vision of a trail, which for all practical purposes should be endless. He gave expression to his plan in an article, The Appalachian Trail: An Experiment in Regional Planning, in the October 1921 issue of the Journal of American Institute of Architects. MacKaye's proposal "aroused interest among the outing clubs in the east and The Appalachian Trail Conference was formulated to transform this dream into a reality.
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Maine Appalachian Trail Club & The Bangor and Aroostook Railroad
Augusta, Maine & Bangor, Maine
Appalachian Trail Maine, Maine trails, Maine mountains, Maine trail photographs, Maine mountain photographs
Recommended Citation
Avery, Myron, "The Silver Aisle: The Appalachian Trail in Maine" (1937). Books and Publications. 106.

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