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The New Library
Ground was formally broken for the New Library during Commencement, 1941. The shell of the building was constructed during 1941-1942, but war conditions made it impossible to proceed with the construction of the interior. At the close of hostilities, work on the building was resumed.
The stack capacity provided at present is estimated to be 250,000 volumes, with space available for an additional 200,000 volumes as needed. The Library is fireproof throughout. The seating capacity of the building when fully utilized for library purposes will be 600.
Publication Date
University of Maine, Library Fund Committee
Orono, Maine
Fogler Library
Recommended Citation
University of Maine - Main, "Dedication of the New Library, University of Maine" (1947). Books and Publications. 101.

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Pamphlet for the dedication of Fogler Library at eleven o'clock, November 8, 1947 in the Louis Oakes Room.