In the hands of the teacher, man's future lies. Theirs is a task which receives little material reward or lasting compensation; yet, no occupation contains more purport. Theirs is the task of molding character and guiding the individual. Within their grasp a new generation is being trained, and with this preparation the teacher holds the very destiny of a great nation and of all mankind in the balance. Through the teacher, world civilization has progressed; to the teacher, world civilization looks for its salvation. In the hands of the teacher, man's future lies.
Thus, conscious of the teachers' great responsibility, we dedicate this graduation issue of the "Oracle," June, 1946, to the faculty of Bangor High School.
Publication Date
Bangor High School, Class of 1946
Bangor, Maine
Bangor High School, yearbook
Recommended Citation
Bangor High School, "The Oracle, 1946" (1946). Bangor High School Yearbooks. 9.

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Also included is a "mini-yearbook" the Bangor High students produced in December 1945.