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We, the graduating class of 1947, do realize the grave responsibility our graduation into the world at this time implies upon us. The world is marked by confusion. In this day and age, man has arrived at the point where he must choose whether he will use his tremendous advancements in science and knowledge for his betterment or his destruction. His choice lies in the success of world union, and the success of world union depends upon the efforts of man. The answer to the problem of finding worldly peace and harmony cannot be achieved by one man or even one nation; nor can it be found in one day or even · one year. It will take time, hard work, and real faith on the part of each and every human being to bring the peace the future promises. We who are the Youth of Today must be the Leaders of Tomorrow.
Publication Date
Bangor High School, Class of 1947
Bangor, Maine
Bangor High School, yearbook
Recommended Citation
Bangor High School, "The Oracle, 1947" (1947). Bangor High School Yearbooks. 8.

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