In the past fifty years, progress has become increasingly important as the keynote of our civilization. And so it is that today our eyes are directed not toward the past with its great achievements, but toward the future with its far greater possibilities. Our progress, as seniors, has carried through high school, and as pictured in the cul before the senior division in this ORACLE, the road to success lies ahead. As one of the senior essays says, many will not reach the objective, but the beckoning goal is always in front of us.
During the four years of high school, our activities have played an important part in our school life. The modernistic assembly hall, shown on the page before the local section, may bring back remembrances of the activities we have carried on in school, and it will also suggest the more important role we will play in the future.
As we senior members of the ORACLE Board pass from the high school picture, we express the hope that the 1934 ORACLE has presented an all around view of school life. If we have succeeded in showing both the serious side and the light side of Bangor High School, we are satisfied that our time has been well-spent. To the ORACLE Board of 1935, who, we hope, have a great deal to live up to, we say this: may the modernistic drawing before the literary section be indicative of your writings next year. We hope that the lamp will shed light on all your journalistic problems and that you will remember -- Progress.
Publication Date
Bangor High School, Class of 1934
Bangor, Maine
yearbook, Bangor High School, 1934, Oracle, Bangor, Bangor business, Bangor business advertisements
Recommended Citation
Bangor High School, "The Oracle, 1934" (1934). Bangor High School Yearbooks. 30.

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Also included are five "mini-yearbooks" the Bangor High students produced throughout the year. There is one each from October 1933, December 1933, February 1934, March 1934, and May 1934.