The Bangor High School Oracle, in its true function, is a students' magazine, published for the students' benefit and entertainment. To that end, it has been the purpose of the current staff to include in the magazine those features which we believe to be of most interest to the students.
There has, for instance, been an increase in the number of stories of teen-age boys and girls, in teen-age situation. More humorous poems, as well as serious poetry, have been added and the entire literary section made larger, in the belief that this was the section turned to after Hokum.
The new illustrated Fashion Column seem to have been popular, and favorable comments have been received.
In the process of enlarging the magazine, new features of interest have been added and other old features of value unfortunately omitted. It is our hope that future staffs, with the help of the students, may be able to strike a true proportion of representative features so that the Oracle may become truly a magazine of the school.
Publication Date
Bangor High School, Class of 1941
Bangor, Maine
Recommended Citation
Bangor High School, "The Oracle, 1941" (1941). Bangor High School Yearbooks. 26.

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Also included are four "mini-yearbooks" the Bangor High students produced throughout the year. There is one each from October 1940, December 1940, February 1941, and April 1941.