For some, June 1942, signifies merely the end of another year, and the beginning of a similar cycle in September; for some, June1942, opens doors of opportunity- to further study or a position; but for the Oracle staff, June 1942, is double in its significance. Primarily, it terminates the fiftieth year of publication -- a record which few school magazines can hold up for all readers to see.
In February, the Fiftieth Anniversary issue of the Oracle was devoted to a golden era of high school journalism. The bright flame of this past is but candlelight to the shining possibilities which are well within the grasp of Oracle staff posterity. History will go on trumpeting from the headlines, and school papers will continue printing student activities and Hokum columns and the harvests of young spring poets, not distracted by the blasts of the times, but echoing them, nevertheless, as they bear upon student life.
The first responsibility of the Oracle is that of every high school publication to make a tangible and permanent record of the school's progress and activity. Its second obligation is to stir and nourish the aspirations of adolescent journalists, stressing cooperation, yet all the while cultivating good writing and proving the practicability of Good English.
Publication Date
Bangor High School, Class of 1942
Bangor, Maine
Recommended Citation
Bangor High School, "The Oracle, 1942" (1942). Bangor High School Yearbooks. 25.

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Also included are four "mini-yearbooks" the Bangor High students produced throughout the year. There is one each from October 1941, December 1941, February 1942, and April 1942.