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During the past school year the Oracle Board has had as its endeavor the publishing of a yearbook that would serve to recall pleasant memories to the students of Bangor High School. Following the custom of preceding staffs, the Oracle has been changed in small ways to meet the demands of a deserving student body.

The members of the 1951 Oracle Board started the year's work by the planning and carrying out of an extensive subscription campaign. The drive was highlighted by the Oracle-Orascope assembly, always one of the year's outstanding programs. The publication of the December literary magazine provided an outlet for talented members of the staff and also the members of the student body. The poems, stories, pictures, and features were a welcome diversion from the hustle and bustle of the fall term.

In January the staff seriously began preparing the year's major task -- the 1951 Oracle. With its publication the staff has a feeling of achievement, mingled with a feeling of sorrow because the publication also marks the close of the school year~ and the end of three glorious years in Bangor High School.

In closing, the Oracle wishes to thank all those who made its publication possible.

Publication Date



Bangor High School


Bangor, Maine


Bangor High School, yearbook


Also included is a "mini-yearbook" the Bangor High students produced in December 1950.

The Oracle, 1951



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