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To the Graduating Class of 1955 a bridge represents the span of knowledge lying between failure and success. In the following pages of this issue of the Oracle, the reader will notice that the staff of the Oracle has made use of a bridge and its symbolism as the theme of the sixty-fifth yearbook of Bangor High School.
The symbolism of the bridge as a step forward is made more significant to all when one realizes that during the past year, the city of Bangor has completed a new bridge spanning the Penobscot River and joining the cities of Bangor and Brewer. The completion of the bridge represents another milestone of progress in the annals of the city. Although the cost of the bridge is great, this structure, as a toll bridge, will soon pay for itself; and like this bridge, education, too, costs much in time and effort; but the returns in interest are manifold. In exchange for the original investment of time and effort, education pays dividends in knowledge, culture, and general moral, physical, and aesthetic self-development.
The Bangor High School Graduation Class of 1955 has metaphorically compared education to a bridge of achievement. This bridge represents, too, the pathway of knowledge spanning the gap between present and future over a river of ignorance and inexperience. The teachers of Bangor High School have well pointed out to their pupils the way over the bridge; it now remains with the student to continue his education for himself. Learning does not stop with formal education, but throughout one's natural lifespan, education continues as a never-ending process.
Publication Date
Bangor High School
Bangor, Maine
Bangor High School, yearbook
Recommended Citation
Bangor High School, "The Oracle, 1955" (1955). Bangor High School Yearbooks. 20.

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