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" ... in the end the truth will conquer." -- John Wycliff
The staff of the 1958 Oracle has chosen as its theme the ancient lamp from which the Greek gods emitted the oracles that gave knowledge, understanding, and foresight to those who would consult them. These oracles were never-failing bearers of truth. Thus, Bangor High School and its faculty can be a lamp of truth which gives forth knowledge, understanding, and foresight, the three basic purposes of education, to those of us who seek to take advantage of a free education.
Knowledge, the scope of information without which we cannot progress as individuals or as a nation; understanding, the power to appreciate and comprehend the differences and likenesses of ourselves and others; and foresight, the ability to plan for the future in a way that will benefit our fellow men and ourselves -- these three qualities given by the ancient oracles can become ours through constant striving to use our education to its best advantage.
And so may we, the class of 1958, use the truths granted to us by the oracles of education to benefit our community and our nation in the best manner possible.
Publication Date
Bangor High School
Bangor, Maine
Bangor High School, yearbook
Recommended Citation
Bangor High School, "The Oracle, 1958" (1958). Bangor High School Yearbooks. 17.

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