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Education and experience light the way towards community progress.
125 years of progress ... years that have meant prosperity and security to thousands of enterprising workmen and businessmen alike, years that truly merit the recognition that they are now receiving on this, Bangor's Quartquicentennial, years of progress which we of the Oracle take as our theme. Bangor is a combination of two forces: practical experience that enables the sails of progress to be set high aloft and education that provides the knowledge necessary to the steering of a straight course to the attainment of the goals established.
We have taken as our symbols for these two forces Paul Bunyan, a legendary Bangorian who represents the raw lustiness of the farsighted pioneer who, through dint of hard work, soon placed Bangor in her "place in the sun" as the lumber capital of the world, and Hannibal Hamlin, a true Bangor native, who gained the vice-presidency under Lincoln, and who represents the knowledge, culture, and foresight that are essential to the continued growth of a dynamic community. We take as our symbol of the industrial and economic advances of Bangor, the Standpipe, an outstanding landmark of the "Queen City of the East."
We look upon BHS, indicated by the Ram's head, as a source from which we obtain the initial motivations towards community progress, progress that is this year indicated by the QC sign.
It is up to the class of 1959 to combine the resourcefulness of a Bunyan with the deep thirst for knowledge of a Hamlin. We believe that the education and experience obtained by us at Bangor High will enable us to meet the challenges of the "Space Age." By meeting these challenges we can further the progress of our school, community, state, and nation.
Publication Date
Bangor High School
Bangor, Maine
Bangor High School, yearbook
Recommended Citation
Bangor High School, "The Oracle, 1959" (1959). Bangor High School Yearbooks. 16.

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