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As its theme for this year, the Oracle makes use of the new Bangor High School ring selected by the class of 1963. The selection of the official school ring marks the beginning of a new tradition at Bangor. For years to come this same ring with the appropriate class numerals inscribed will be the symbol of B.H.S. students.
Another milestone was passed during the senior year of the class of 1963. In October of 1962, school and city officials took part in the ground-breaking ceremony for the new high school. The building to be completed in April of 1964 and the official ring selected by the class will give Bangor High a new countenance; the undaunted spirit the school has had throughout its long history will receive added impetus.
The 1963 Oracle utilizes the various parts of the ring's crest to symbolize the different roles of the student in school and in the community. The masque of comedy and tragedy symbolizes the varied extracurricular activities offered to all students. The winged foot symbolizes the athletics in which Bangor has a tradition of victory, while the open book and pen stand for academic accomplishments -- the basic purpose of Bangor High School. Finally the Ram is a symbol of the spirit and enthusiasm shown by the entire student body.
Publication Date
Bangor High School
Bangor, Maine
Bangor High School, yearbook
Recommended Citation
Bangor High School, "The Oracle, 1963" (1963). Bangor High School Yearbooks. 12.

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